The City of Radcliff Engineering Department is dedicated to providing Radcliff citizens with the safest and most reliable infrastructure possible.
Department Responsibilities:
- Review all new plans for compliance with the appropriate regulations.
- Ensure that the infrastructure will work both now and into the future.
- Manage the Stormwater Utility, which was established in 2004 to ensure compliance with all federal and state regulations as they pertain to stormwater.
- Review, design and schedule all stormwater infrastructure repairs to be performed by the city’s stormwater crew. Projects too large for completion by the city’s stormwater crew are planned and designed by the department as capital improvement projects for future funding and construction.
Stormwater Utility Provisions:
- Public education
- Public involvement
- Illicit discharge detection and elimination
- Construction site stormwater runoff control
- Post-construction stormwater management in areas undergoing new development and redevelopment
- Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations