The City of Radcliff Planning Department provides various services to citizens to ensure the community’s economic, environmental, historical, social, cultural and aesthetic features are preserved and enhanced.
Department Responsibilities:
- Promote orderly growth patterns that foster sustainable development
- Provide staff support on behalf of the Radcliff City Council, Radcliff Planning Commission, Radcliff Board of Adjustment, Radcliff Code Enforcement Board and the Radcliff Forestry and Conservation Board
- Prepare and administer the City of Radcliff Comprehensive Plan, City of Radcliff Zoning Ordinance and Development Regulations, and the City of Radcliff
- Subdivision Regulations
- Review Zone Map Amendment Applications, Subdivision Applications, Development Plan Applications and Building Permit Applications
- Provide guidance and assistance to developers and landowners regarding the design review of development proposals
- Annexation, local floodplain administration, preparation and administration of planning and transportation project grants, site inspections, code compliance, and maintenance of the City of Radcliff Official Zoning Map and the City of Radcliff Official Street Map
Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan guides actions and decisions in the development of public and private property.
Zoning Ordinance
The Zoning Ordinance regulates decisions such as the size and location of structures, buildings and signs.
Subdivision Regulations
The Subdivision Regulations set requirements for designing and improving streets, land areas, etc.
National Flood Insurance Program
NFIP coverage is available to all owners of insurable property (a building and/or its contents) in a community participating in the NFIP.
Murray Wanner
Planning Director
Office: 270-351-1875
Chris Portman
Senior Planner
Office: 270-351-1875
Denise Haynes
Interim Building Dept Manager \ Administrative Assistant \ Certified Permits Technician
Office: 270-351-1875
Danny L. Richardson
Building Inspector
Office: 270-351-1875
Recommended Plant List
Planning a garden? These plants are mostly likely to thrive when planted within the City of Radcliff.
Boards And Commissions
The Planning Commission is composed of six citizen members appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council. Its members do not represent specific interests; instead, they represent the interest of the entire community. The Planning Commission's responsibilities include the following:
- Preparing and updating the Comprehensive Plan
- Preparing and updating the Zoning Ordinance
- Preparing and updating the Subdivision Regulations
- Reviewing proposed site plans and subdivision plans
Charlene Easter
Vice Chairman
Pam Featherstone
Sherry Barnes
Board Members
Percy Black
Lee Bishop
Planning Commission meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month on the second floor of Radcliff City Hall.
The Board of Adjustment is composed of five citizen members appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council. The Board of Adjustment is created in accordance with Kentucky Revised Statutes. The Board of Adjustment's responsibilities include the following:
- Hearing and deciding applications for conditional use permits
- Hearing and deciding on applications for variances
- Hearing and deciding cases of Administrative review
For more information see Article V, Section 5.9 of the Radcliff Zoning Ordinance.
Gloria Fite
Vice Chairman
Bonnie Linscott
Victoria Sanderson-Thompson
Board Members
Archie Mack
Curtis Brunson
Board of Adjustment meetings are held at 5:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month on the second floor of Radcliff City Hall.
The Code Enforcement Board was established to protect, promote and improve the health, safety and welfare of Radcliff citizens by authorizing the creation of an administrative board with the authority to issue remedial orders and impose fines in order to provide an equitable, expeditious, effective and inexpensive method of insuring compliance with the ordinances enforced in local governments. The ordinances that shall be enforced are those which specifically state that a violation of the ordinance is a civil offense.
Edward Parker
Vice Chairman
Howard Williams
Board Members
Jack Holland
Gary Morris
Tara Wash
Delma Thomas
Code Enforcement Board meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at Radcliff Fire Station 1 (604 South Wilson Road).
The Forestry and Conservation Board promotes and improves education about and appreciation for our community's natural environment. The Forestry Board oversees the development and maintenance of the Saunders Springs Nature Preserve.
Vincent Carman
Vice Chairman
James Bailey
Board Members
Barbara Baker
Robert Deckard
Steve Gray
Forestry and Conservation Board meetings are held at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at Colvin Community Center.