The City of Radcliff Police Department Citizen’s Police Academy (CPA) is a free program designed for people who have a genuine desire to learn about the daily life of policemen and increase their awareness of the services provided by the City of Radcliff Police Department.
- Learn why police officers do the things they do
- See what skills and training go into becoming a good officer
- Build a better relationship between law enforcement and citizens
- Increase communication and public awareness
Upon commencement of class, class will meet every Monday evening from 6 – 8:30 p.m. For 8 weeks until graduation. Participants must be at least 18 years or older to enroll.
Topics Include:
- Department Organization
- Meet Officers
- Records, Dispatch and Evidence Room Overview
- Hiring Process
- Patrol Procedures
- Traffic Stops
- DUI Car/Field Sobriety Tests
- Investigations
- Drug Awareness
- Simulated Firearms Training
- Ride Along
- Building Tour
- Judicial Process
- And Much More